Doctor sleep

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  • Omschrijving:

    Following a childhood haunted by terrifying events at the Overlook Hotel, Danny Torrance has been drifting for decades.

    Finally, he settles into a job at a nursing home where he draws on his remnant 'shining' power to help people pass on.

    Then he meets Abra Stone, a young girl with the brightest 'shining' ever seen. But her gift is attracting a tribe of paranormals. They may look harmless, old and devoted to their Recreational Vehicles, but The True Knot live off the 'steam' that children like Abra produce.

    Now Dan must confront his old demons as he battles for Abra's soul and survival...

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    Doctor Sleep is een spannend en meeslepend boek, en leest daardoor gemakkelijk weg.

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