Elements Unleashed

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    Debut novel of fantasy writer Robert Kroon. Backcover below:

    Times are changing. The Elements are returning, and with them, chaos. People are discovering their powers and learning how to control them. But at what cost?
    Follow the story of two brothers, torn apart by fate. One determined to find his younger sibling, to tell him of the things he has learned, the other dreaming of times long past. Dreams of a man returned to the earth ages ago, seeming to guide his hand every step of the way. But are the dreams real? And if so, what do they mean? And why him?
    Wander with the firewalker, taking bad luck wherever he goes, on a quest for answers to questions he is afraid of asking. Will he find the thing he is looking for without losing his life, or worse, his sanity?
    Accompany the princess who uncovers dark secrets within the Daenor palaces. Is she prepared to face the truth, even if it means losing everything?
    And the Archai general who finds out the people she trusts are hiding the truth from her. She discovers there's a girl like her and vows to save her. But when push comes to shove, who will she choose? Her soldiers or the girl?
    What will the return of the Elements bring? And what will be left when the dust settles?
    Find out in part one of the Timekeeper Chronicles.

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  • onze waardering

    Elements Unleashed is een boek dat traag op gang komt, maar dat toch de moeite is om te blijven lezen. De spanning wordt goed opgebouwd aan het einde van het boek. Dit had wat eerder mogen gebeuren, om de lezer geboeid te houden van begin tot eind. 

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